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The value of online college is top-of-mind for many students looking to earn their degree. COVID-19使各种形式和规模的大学优先考虑在线学习形式. 因为这种戏剧性和快速的转变, there’s a clear distinction you need to make when considering the worth of online college. 

It's also worth noting that an online college and a college adapting to conduct classes online are vastly different.

一个真正的在线大学设计课程, 学习经验和评估将以虚拟方式进行. They employ instructional designers and do rigorous testing on the best ways to teach content to improve student success. 另一方面, a traditional college that simply migrates their in-person courses online may fall short of student expectations. 

Even if you’re comparing online colleges that have a long history of teaching virtually, 这可能是一个截然不同的世界. From nonprofit to for-profit online universities to online-only models and hybrid offerings, there are many factors to consider when determining the worth of an online education. 


将在线教育与耻辱联系在一起的日子早已过去. 在线学位的重要性和受欢迎程度继续上升. 根据劳动分析公司EMSI的数据, in 2019, 1,358,068度在线完成, 占当年所有大学学位的26%. From 2012 to 2019, completions of traditional, non-distanced offered degrees have declined by 3.3%. 而这些传统大学却在努力吸引学生, 在线大学正在蓬勃发展,经历了56年的增长.同期学位完成率增加了3%.


How do you separate the online colleges that are worth the investment from the ones that aren’t? Get answers to these 6 key questions to holistically measure the worth of an online college:

  • 这是在线大学吗? 区域认证?
  • 这个在线大学提供吗 量身定制的支持服务 以及帮助我成功的资源?
  • 这个在线大学提供了一个吸引人的,互动的和 动手学习环境?
  • 我是否能同时获得技术和软技能,使我在晋升中脱颖而出?
  • 这所网络大学的学位是什么 受到雇主的尊重
  • Will my short-term and long-term earning and hiring potential improve with this online degree?

一旦你确定了在线大学的合法性和价值, 你可以从网上获得学位中获益. 


Attending an online college is a choice in the way you learn—not the degree you earn. 没有所谓的“在线学位”.“你们拿到的学士学位是一样的, 在线硕士或博士学位证书,就像你通过校园课程获得的一样.


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如果你选对了在线大学, the quality of your education and learning experience should be the same—if not better—than getting your degree at a traditional college. The advantages to earning your degree online only multiply if you’re a working professional. 


  1. 获得学位的机会成本更低 because you can continue to earn income while pursuing your degree (plus tuition and fees can be lower than on-campus programs).
  2. 你可以体验到学位的增值价值 从第一天起就把你学到的技能应用到你的日常工作中. It’s not uncommon for professionals to be promoted before they complete their online degree program.
  3. 在线 collaboration and presentation skills are embedded into an online degree, preparing you to 使用日益虚拟的业务环境所要求的工具.
  4. 你得到的好处是 更灵活的学历 课程安排, 让你更容易按照自己的节奏和时间表获得学位.
  5. 在线课程 内容面向现实世界的应用而不仅仅是学术理论.
  6. 学习环境更加多样化来自不同背景的专业人士, 经验水平和地理位置增加了独特的视角 到课程内容.
  7. 省去往返校园的时间和金钱你可以把时间花在你的学术、专业或个人追求上.
  8. 在线课程是围绕明确的学习成果进行标准化的, rather than being completely reliant on an individual professor to develop course content.


在线 college can also have its drawbacks—especially if you don’t do your homework on which online college to attend. There are many low-quality internet or for-profit colleges that provide little to no long-term value. 在线 colleges may also have radically different teaching and learning philosophies. 注意这些陷阱: 

  • 谨防网上大学诈骗. 非法的在线大学可以制造一种令人信服的假象. 别被骗了——好好研究一下认证, 在进入任何学校之前,毕业率和学生评价. 
  • 时间管理很有挑战性. 一些在线大学, 尤其是那些使用能力为基础的方法, 缺乏结构和完成课程的最后期限. 如果你在一个结构化的、可预测的学习环境中茁壮成长, make sure you choose an online college that emphasizes a balanced learning approach. This approach ensures that you complete approximately the same amount of work each week of the course, 让你更容易安排其他优先事项.
  • 你的学习环境可能会让你感到孤立. 基于能力的在线课程完全按照您自己的节奏完成. 这听起来像是一个好处, but it also means you trade off the benefits of a collaborative and interactive learning environment. An instructor-led and student-centered online college emphasizes 360-degree learning where working together is essential. 最好的 programs will maintain flexibility by recording lectures and tailoring assignments if scheduling conflicts arise for you.
  • 学生支持系统各不相同. 一些在线大学缺乏个人支持. 如果你选择一个基于能力的在线课程, 你接触教练的机会可能更少, 顾问和同行. 只有当你在一门课程中遇到困难时,你才会得到支持. 最好的, student-centered online colleges will create dedicated resources to help students—whether they are struggling or not. 个人学术顾问, active and engaged instructors and 24/7 resources like online libraries can make a huge difference in successfully earning your degree.

你 need to make sure that the learning experience at an online college meets both your needs and expectations as a student. Go into your search for an online degree with your eyes open to the disadvantages an online college may present.


There are two competing models for online learning—student-centered and competency-based. 

Student-centered online learning focuses on outcomes to meet the evolving needs of students and employers. 以学生为中心的课程平衡了自主性和结构化的学生支持. Expect defined course timelines, instructor-led classes and collaborative assignments. 

基于能力的在线教育, 另一方面, 主要是独自学习吗. 你为自己的学习设定了节奏, 只有在证明了你在一个主题上的专业知识之后,才会进入下一门课程. 期待一个线性的学习体验, 与教师的互动有限,课程没有截止日期.


找到一所高质量的在线大学只是第一步. 你 need to find an online college that meets your individual needs as a student to make it worth it. Make sure you research the programs offered by each online college and ensure the degree and curriculum are relevant to your career goals. 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址是 以成人为中心,以学生为中心的在线大学. mg不朽情缘游戏网址了解工作专业人士的需求,并提供灵活性, 与行业相关的学位和支持服务,推动成功. Our approach to online college will provide a high-quality degree that puts you on the path to advancement.

了解更多关于mg不朽情缘游戏网址的信息 是什么让它成为在线获得学位的绝佳选择.

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